In digital or microprocessor system, shift register is use expand inputs outputs of the system. The 74HC595 is serial in parallel out shift register widely used for many years, due to its low cost and availability. It use three control lines:
- serial clock line
- serial data line
- and latch output line
We just use these three line to make the output as many as we need. As and example of displaying a large size dot matrix display, or multi-digit seven segment display.
Some DIP package of SN74595 Shift Register IC |
For the operation the MSB of byte is shift into the register first, along with the Low-To-High clock transition. The latch pin is activate from low to high to output after the byte is completely shift out.
In this example, I use PORTC to interface with 74HC595 with seven segment display output. PD7 is used to count the input pulse and output to the register.
Schematic diagram of ATMega32 with 74HC595 shift register, and single common cathode seven segments display. |
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