Arizona Microchip manufacture a varieties of PIC microcontroller series. PIC has three main groups:
  1. 8-bit 
  2. 16-bit
  3. and 32-bit
Some PIC Devices in DIP package
Some DIP Package PIC devices that I posses.

Each group has its own sub-type that I don't list them here.
MPLABX is the current development integrated development environment. XC compiler is a C compiler for their embedded controllers. XC compiler has three levels:
  1. XC8 for 8-bit PIC
  2. XC16 for 16-bit PIC and DSC
  3. XC32 for 32-bit PIC    
XC has three versions:
  • Free
  • Standard 
  • and Pro
For hobbyists or students, using a free version of XC is common. The standard and pro version have code optimization and technical supports.

Some third party C compiler are custom computer service (CCS) PICC, Mikroelectronika MikroC etc.
CCS PICC offers a free version using the baseline PIC. MikroC offer a free version of using the program memory of PIC below 2 KB.


PIC16F887 tutorial with XC8

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