In previous post, I use a character LCD to display distance measurement result. However we can use a 7-Segment display instead because this display has a large size. Seven-Segment display is very very easy to find in most of local electronics components store.
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Simulating Program |
This program is similar to the previous example. It uses the same timer and pre-scaler. I use timer 0 interrupt timer tick to drive the display. The timer interrupt period is 1µs tick. The distance measurement process use timer 0 interrupt flag counting. The polling method is use for getting the duration of the echo high TTL signal from the distance sensor in µs. Even timer 0 is 8-bit wide we can get a longer duration by using the timer0 interrupt service routine.
#include <xc.h> // PIC16F84A Configuration Bit Settings // CONFIG #pragma config FOSC = XT // Oscillator Selection bits (XT oscillator) #pragma config WDTE = OFF // Watchdog Timer (WDT disabled) #pragma config PWRTE = OFF // Power-up Timer Enable bit (Power-up Timer is disabled) #pragma config CP = OFF // Code Protection bit (Code protection disabled) #define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000UL #define TRIGGER RA3 #define ECHO RA4 volatile uint8_t T0OV=0; volatile uint16_t myCounter=0,myDisplayTime=0; void interrupt T0_ISR(void){ if(T0IF){ T0OV+=1; myCounter++; myDisplayTime++; T0IF=0; } } uint16_t getDistance=0,temp=0; void readDistance(void){ TRIGGER=1; __delay_us(10); TRIGGER=0; __delay_us(30); while(ECHO==0){ /*Waiting For High Pulse Response, Or Sensor Present*/ temp++; __delay_us(10); if(temp>=20) break; } TMR0=0; T0OV=0; while(ECHO==1); temp=(T0OV<<8)+TMR0+20; getDistance=temp/58; if(getDistance>=433){ getDistance=0; } temp=0; T0OV=0; TMR0=0; } int main(void){ uint8_t data7[10]={0x3F,0x06,0x5B,0x4F,0x66,0x6D,0x7D,0x07,0x7F,0x6F}; PORTA=0; TRISA=0x10; PORTB=0; TRISB=0; T0CS=0; PSA=1; OPTION_REGbits.PS=0; T0IE=1; GIE=1; T0IF=0; TMR0=0; while(1){ if(myCounter>=2000){ readDistance(); myCounter=0; } if(myDisplayTime>=60) myDisplayTime=0; switch(myDisplayTime){ case 0: PORTA=0; PORTB=data7[getDistance/100]; RA0=1; break; case 20: PORTA=0; PORTB=data7[(getDistance%100)/10]; RA1=1; break; case 40: PORTA=0; PORTB=data7[getDistance%10]; RA2=1; break; } } return 0; }
Click here to download its source file.
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